027: Finding your authentic career success


Pamela Thomson-Hall, CEO and Head of International Businesses at WTW, shares her career journey and pivotal moments, including her involvement in the World Trade Center claims process and acquiring a French broker.

Pamela emphasizes the importance of not trying to do it all and finding a balance between work and personal life. She also provides tips on establishing a presence in a room and overcoming mum's guilt.

Pamela highlights the benefits of a career in insurance, including the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures.

In this conversation, Sandra interviews Pamela Thomson-Hall about her journey to finding happiness and success on her own terms. They discuss the importance of self-reflection, defining success for oneself, and finding happiness and fulfilment in life. Pamela shares her personal experiences and insights, providing valuable lessons for listeners.


  • Self-reflection is crucial for understanding one's values, passions, and goals.

  • Success should be defined based on personal fulfilment and happiness rather than external validation.

  • Finding happiness and fulfilment requires aligning one's actions and choices with their values and passions.

  • Taking the time to explore and understand oneself leads to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

About the Host

Connect with Sandra on LinkedIn and find out more: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/sandralewin


028: Insights into Bermuda’s unique insurance community, career success and finding work-life balance with Apryle Oswald


026: Successful journey from Grad Scheme to Specialised Underwriting with Emma White