033: The Story Behind the Podcast with Sandra Lewin


In this episode, Sandra, the host of the 100 Women In Insurance Podcast, reflects on the journey of creating the podcast so far.

She shares her motivation for starting the podcast, the challenges she faced, and the lessons she learned along the way.

Sandra emphasises the importance of showcasing the variety of roles available in the insurance industry and providing role models for women. She also highlights the need for knowledge and support in career progression and retention.

Sandra shares her key lessons from the episodes and guests so far, including definitions of success, the importance of authenticity, being kind to oneself and the power of sharing personal stories.

In this episode, Sandra also talks about upcoming plans for the podcast and community.


  • The 100 Women in Insurance podcast was created to showcase the variety of roles available in the insurance industry, celebrate role models and share career tips.

  • There is a need for knowledge and support in career progression and retention in the insurance industry.

  • Success can be defined in many ways, and there is no one path to achieving it.

  • Anyone can be a role model, regardless of their experience.

  • Authenticity is a personal choice and it's important for you to show up in a way that feels confident and comfortable.

  • Sharing personal stories can be empowering and inspiring to others.

  • Being kind to oneself is crucial for personal growth and well-being.

  • Running a podcast requires more than just recording and releasing episodes.

  • A new website and a community membership are upcoming plans for the podcast

Sound Bites

  • "If I'm biased, anyone that doesn't think there is talent out there, they really need to learn because there is talent."

  • "Anyone can be a role model. It doesn't have to be a person that significantly has more years of experience."

  • "Success is defined in so many ways. And at various stages in your career."

  • "Success means different things to different people."

  • "You get to define your own authenticity."

  • "Be kind to yourself and understand your own needs and challenges."

About the Host

Connect with Sandra on LinkedIn and find out more: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/sandralewin


034: From Heartache to Hope: Journey into Insurance Entrepreneurship with Emma Astley


032: Top networking tips for saving time and maximising your connections with Gemma Lines